Information and Articles on/about the Inner-Child
Transactional Analysis
Transactional Analysis is a social psychology developed by
Eric Berne, MD (d.1970). Over the past four decades Eric Berne's
theory has evolved to include applications to psychotherapy,
counseling, education, and organizational development. Key Ideas
in Transactional Analysis (from I.T.T.A.)
Within the scope of Transactional Analysis key concepts include
(Parent, Adult, Child) "P.A.C." model, The Karpman Drama Triangle
and living one's "life script"
The Key to Recovery - Your Inner Child by A.J. Mahari
Honour Your Inner Child (From Soul's Thought of The Day) by A.J. Mahari
BPD: The Loneliest Inner Child? by A.J. Mahari
Inner Child to Parent in Adult by A.J. Mahari
Parent Response to Inner Child By A.J. Mahari

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Ebooks & Audio Programs By A.J. Mahari
Please note: It was recently pointed out to me that the "persecutor" and "victim"
corners of this triangle are reversed to the way they should be. I am not the author
of this pdf so I can't change it but I too, have always seen persecutor at the bottom
right of the triangle and never at the top. This may or may not matter tremendously, in
that the three aspects of the drama triangle, regardless of where they fall, are what
we most need to be aware of in order to seek to move beyond this type of drama in our lives. -- A.J.
Karpman Drama Triangle
Karpman - Quinby Triangles
Basics In Childhood
Healthy Personality Devlopmental Structure
How To Love Yourself
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
The Five Freedoms
Parting With Illusions
Children Learn What They Live
The Cycle of Dysfunction Abuse and Neglect
10 Things To Learn From a Dog
Personal Bill of Rights
My Declaration of Self Esteem
Ebooks & Audio Programs By A.J. Mahari
This page was last up-dated on January 2, 2016 and is © 2001-2016 Ms. A.J. Mahari