Top 3 Soul's Thought of The Day For July 2002

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                Volume Four - Issue #7 -#4/Stand Still... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Sometimes, no matter how hard we fight, we hurt. Sometimes, no matter how much we try, we fail. Sometimes, no matter how much we search, we remain in the dark. Sometimes, no matter how much we thirst, we cannot be quenched. Stop pushing. Stop trying to control. Stop competing. Run your own race. Stand still. Standing still gives us time to adjust. Standing still helps us to integrate change. Standing still gives us the space that we need to process the stress that accompanies both positive and negative change. Sometimes, when we are least prepared we find tremendous success. Sometimes, when things get better we find this newness frightening. Sometimes, we find parts of what we've always been searching for - and the light is bright. Sometimes, when we least expect it our desires meet with opportunity. Stop pushing. Stop trying to control. Stop competing. Run your own race. Stand still.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Monday, July 29, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
              Volume Four - Issue #7 -#5/Love Yourself... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Love yourself, trite eh? As if we don't think that we do this, albeit magically without thought, all-too-often. Have you stopped to ask yourself if you are truly being loving to yourself or not? Are you too hard on yourself? Do you treat others better than you treat yourself.? Relationship to self is as much as journey as any other relationship in life. We need to keep working at it. We need to pay attention to how we treat ourselves and to how we think about ourselves. Be your own best friend. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. Don't be afraid to be real. Don't be afraid to set limits. Don't be afraid to be a "grown up". The greatest success life has to offer us is the joy and peace that come when we are accepting and understanding of who we are. Love yourself.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Tuesday July 30, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
            Volume 4 - Issue 7 - #6/Dance in Your Chains... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

What is more revealing as to who we are and where we are in our lives than how we dance in our chains? What are your chains? How have you experienced those chains? What do you think about yourself? Do you define yourself according to your chains? Too many of us tend to see our chains as entirely negative restricting things that diminish us because they may leave us feeling or being experienced by others as different. Though the world often tries to force conformity in ways that make it seem as though difference is undesirable, there is nothing wrong with being different. Some of our most spirit-filled essence as individual human beings comes from our very difference. I've tried for years to shed some chains that just won't go away. I feel, however, like I have rid myself of their power by reading just one quote. When I read this quote I realized that it isn't what has chained me that holds me prisoner or keeps me from my goals, desires and dreams -- NO! It's how I limit myself by what I think about those chains -- not to mention the time I can waste wondering what others think about my chains, when in all likelihood others are too busy with their own chains to be minding mine. The quote that so added to my growth: "True Freedom is being able to dance in your chains." (Fredrich Nietzsche) There is freedom to be found in understanding your chains. When you understand your chains you will learn to dance in them. Dancing in your chains -- being who you are, just the way you are -- faults and all -- is what being free, to be, is all about. I can only be chained by that which I choose to give power to. I can only be trapped when I choose to not be free. Chains exists in all of our lives. The strongest chain of all is the chain of thought. Don't let your thoughts trap you. Think freely. Freely think. Dare to be different and dance in your chains.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Wednesday July 31, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

  • Soul's Thoughts 2002