"Society", that faceless, nameless, whatever out there that sets
the standards via Hollywood and media that are difficult for men
but are impossible for women as "they" seek to define what is and
isn't okay (or beautiful) from a selfish patriarchal point of view.
Primarily women being attractive to men is what drives all of this.
Hollywood's standard of beauty, the diet industry and so forth. I
think too though that men are beginning to struggle more with size
issues and body image and self-acceptance as well. I use FAT as an ancronym for Finally Accept This -- "This" being
whatever body size it is that you are that you (for now or for ever)
do not want to change or cannot change. I think that taking back the
word FAT is important and empowering. One of my personal pet peeves is the term "overweight". My response
to any reference to my being overweight is always...."Whose weight
am I over, and what does it matter? As far as we know (well depending upon your spiritual/philosphical
beliefs) we get one life each. Life is too short to constantly berate
yourself because you are fat. By the way what is too fat anyway? Who
gets to decide? Why is it that fat is one of the last bastions of
abuse and the butt of so many jokes? Ever ask yourself these questions?
I do. Then I get to thinking, followed quickly by feeling militant!
You can only be who you are. You have a body and where is it written
that anyone else can decide for you whether or not it is "right",
or "acceptable" or "beautiful"? It is up to each and every one of us to learn to like and then
love his/herself for who he/she is and to not base that self-love, self-
esteem or self-acceptance on the size of your body. Remember you have
an inner-self and an inner-life too. Be gentle with yourself!
By Marilyn Wann -FAT!SO? : Because You Don't Have to Apologize for Your Size
This page is © Ms. A.J. Mahari and was last up-dated February 17, 2005