BPD Loved Ones Coach - BPD Coach A.J. Mahari - Coaching for People with a loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder
A.J. Mahari recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 15 years ago and has been online writing about that and
educating people about Borderline Personality Disorder for over 15 years now. Mahari shares her vast experience with BPD
with her clients. She knows what works and what doesn't work in recovery for those with BPD. Just as she also has vast
personal first-hand knowledge of and experience with being a loved one, partner (then ex-partner) and family member of a few people in her life with BPD. Both of her parents had BPD. Her father died in 1997 and her mother, still alive today, in her '80's has
BPD and has not sought treatment for it. A.J., years after her own recovery also had a relationship with a partner who has BPD/NPD. A.J. Mahari's expertise when it comes to all sides of BPD and her understanding of it, are unparalled. Mahari is very skilled at educating,
explaining and motivating her clients to reach for what so many feel is the unreachable - healing, recovery, wellness, and living the
life worth living that each person with BPD longs for and deserves.
Author, Life and BPD Coach, A.J. Mahari, empowers loved ones of those with Borderline Personality Disorder to take care of themselves, cope more effectively with someone with BPD in their lives, and to find their own healing on the other side of BPD via her coaching services for loved ones of those with BPD.
Sometimes that healing means dealing with ruptured relationships or ending a relationship. Other times for the loved one it may mean that the person with BPD has just dismissed them outright. Whether you, as a loved one of someone with BPD, are currently still in contact with the borderline in your life or not, there is a tremendous amount of pain and suffering on the other side of BPD . Suffering and pain that, for many, means loved ones also need their own healing and recovery. This is true whether one has experienced a relationship break-up is contemplating leaving or whether one is trying to make the relationship work.
A.J. Mahari has been coaching those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and/or other various forms of mental illness, with a special focus on those with BPD and their loved ones for many years now. A.J. offers mental health support coaching that also includes using strategy to cope more effectively with the many challenges of different forms of mental illness.
- Purchase all 3 of ebooks for NON BORDERLINES or 3 Non Borderline Ebooks packaged together with audio.
- Purchase all 5 Ebooks in A.J. Mahari’s “Core Wound of Abandonment” in Borderline Personality Disorder Series
- Non Borderlines – You can purchase 6 ebooks packaged together without audio or 6 ebooks bundled together with 2 audio programs 6 ebooks packaged together with 2 audio programs
- Those with BPD and/or Non Borderlines can purchase A.J. Mahari’s 3 “Core Wound of Abandonment” series ebooks or Mahari’s 3 “Core Wound of Abandonment” series ebooks with From False Self To Authentic Self In BPD – The Inner Chid Audio Program
Purchase a session or sessions with Sessions scroll to the bottom of the front page or click on any front page category to find the PayPal buttons on the side menu or go to phoenixrisingpublications.com And Click On Life Coaching
Here’s what a few of my Non Borderline clients have said about working with me as a Life/BPD coach:
“I thought I had met the woman of my dreams – the love of my life. 9 months into our relationship I found out she had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I didn’t know what that meant at all. It turned out that within 18 months there was no doubt in my mind that this woman ended up being my worst nightmare – determined to ensure we were enemies. I’ve never felt so alone in my life. I had never been in so much pain in my life. I turned to the internet and started to read up on BPD. As luck, maybe providence, would have it, I found A.J.’s sites. I then purchased a few of her ebooks and audio programs. They were so helpful but I was in so much pain. I decided to purchase some life coaching sessions with her and that was the best choice I could have ever made. A.J. really saw me through some of the worst pain of my life. She really helped me to understand what I needed to learn so that I could decide what path I needed to take. I would highly recommend that anyone who finds themselves in a relationship with someone with BPD talk to A.J. Mahari. She knows BPD inside and out. She cares. She listens and supports. She is so wise and so patient.” – Mike J. – U.S.A.
“After two years of an on-off-on-off again type of relationship with a man with BPD and the fact that no amount of reading about BPD was getting me to the kind of understanding that could help me to actually find a way out of the cycle and the pain I contacted A.J. Mahari. A.J. is an amazing life coach. She helped me to understand so much and to set goals in just 4 months of sessions that helped me to set myself free from my borderline ex – something I wasn’t able to do by myself for two years.” – Nancy G. – South Africa
- The Puzzle and Mystery of Hope on the Other Side of BPD
- Inside The Borderline Mind
- The Shame of Abandonment In BPD
- Breaking Free of The Borderline Maze – Recovery For Nons
- Facing the Facts of BPD – On The Other Side For Nons
- Overcoming Denial About BPD and Love
Audio Programs © A.J. Mahari
“I am the mother of a 25 year old daughter with Borderline Personality Disorder. I was at my wits end and not coping really at all. I had seen several therapists and been involved in going to some councelling with my daughter as well. She is resisiting any and all help right now. I wasn’t getting any help. I didn’t know what to do or what I needed. Then I found A.J.’s websites and found out she is not only a life coach but someone who has recovered from BPD. I read about her having a mother with BPD and even though I worried she might take my daughter’s side and not understand me for some reason, I was pleasantly surprised to find that A.J. is both extremely knowledgeable about BPD but also that she didn’t judge me at all and was and continues to be, in fact, so supportive and compassionate. I am learning how to cope. I am getting my life back. My other kids are getting their mother back and I feel I owe so much of this to A.J. – BPD Mother – U.S.A.
She is such a God-send in my life and I am so glad she is out here working with people like me who might otherwise just lose their minds and continue to suffer.” Marta V. – Sydney, Australia
“I have been working with A.J. Mahari now for almost a year. I’ve had so much to sort out and well I also did a lot of resisting and going from periods of no contact with my borderline ex-girlfriend to getting back with her. Each time, it was the same and then when I’d have my next session with A.J. I’d feel like I was starting all over again. It was A.J. who kept reminding me that I was growing and I was learning and that it wasn’t about failing. She was so patient and understanding and has not ever judged me, not once. M.J. – Ohio, U.S.A.
I am making wonderful progress thanks to A.J.’s compassion, wisdom, and understanding. A.J. has been so clear about how my experience is my own process and how I get to make my own choices. I’ve learned how a lot of my old choices kept me stuck going back for more pain and punishment and how as I learned to make new choices with A.J.’s support and guidance I started to get new results. I am winning my freedom. I am making progress. I continue to work with A.J. and learn from her. She has been such an amazing support and continues to teach me so much.” – Dan Lansing, – Canada
Many who come to suspect and/or find out that a loved one has Borderline Personality Disorder start from ground zero having been thrust into a world of their own hurt and confusion with no frame of reference to understand what is manifested in relationships by those with BPD or why.
Working with me as your coach can and will help you to understand what you are going through and why. Even more importantly I empower my non borderline clients to set and achieve goals that help them to end their own confusion and suffering, whether they choose to stay in relationships or in contact with the person with BPD in their lives or not.
BPD Coaching With A.J. Mahari
If you are loved one of someone with BPD or have had someone in your life with BPD and you would like to move forward in your life and heal your pain and confusion and any remaining sense of wanting or needing closure please feel free to purchase and book a session or sessions with me. I would be happy to talk with you and to work with you.
A.J. Mahari is a Proven Expert on BPD
A.J. Mahari recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 15 years ago. She has been online writing articles and sharing her insight and experience about her recovery for 15 years now as well. That's a proven track record, unlike any other person who has recovered from BPD working as a life coach.
When it comes to BPD, A.J. Mahari has the unique voice of someone who not only had BPD and recovered 15 years ago, but also of someone who was the adult-child of 2 borderline parents, and subsequent to her recovery from BPD had a relationship with someone with BPD/NPD. Mahari not only knows, first hand, what it feels like and is like to have BPD, to explain that to family members and loved ones. Mahari also knows what it is like to be a family member, loved one, and relationship partner of someone with BPD. Mahari understands what that feels like too. Mahari knows what recovery, on each side of BPD means, is, looks and feels like, and requires. It is from her 360-degree unique experience with BPD on both sides, and her recovery on both sides of BPD, that Mahari's work generally, and her Life Coaching, even more specifically, that she can and does offer you a more in depth and insightful understanding and compassionate brand of practical help unlike any other life coach, coaching in this area.
Unlike other Counselors or Life coaches who bring experience either from coaching courses, or one side or the other of BPD, A.J. Mahari, with her rich life experience has found that the best coaching course she could have ever invested in turned out to be her own journey thus far in life. Her recovery from BPD in 1995. And working through to detaching, healing, and recovering from the Borderline-Narcissist abuse of both her parents and their alcoholism and her toxic Family of Origin. My family of origin has not gotten any help. I don't think they think they have any substantial mental health issues, which they do. Therefore, I have remained in no contact. My family of origin is rife with inter-generational BPD, NPD, Autism and various other mental health challenges - Autism Spectrum is not a mental health challenge it is described as pervasise developmental disorder. It would appear (adding this in 2016) that the golden child, sibling of mine, who procreated without getting any help has at least one adult child now with BPD. On it goes on that side. I decided not to have children and to try to extinct the part of my family of orgin's inter-generational mental illness, codependency, toxic dysfunction etc., etc., on my side of things. That's all I had control over. I'm very happy in my life now and very happy with this choice. I did the right thing. I did not pass on to another generation the untold abuse and mental illness that my family of origin is and seemingly always has been rife with. (September 25, 2016 - A.J. Mahari)
Whether you have BPD or you have a family member or relationship partner (or ex) with BPD, A.J. Mahari has walked in your shoes. She knows your pain. She understands how to unhook from the traps on the other side of BPD just as she knows what it takes to recover from BPD.
I have been described by many as an expert on Borderline Personality Disorder. What makes me an expert? Well, not University degrees, but real life experience. I am a person who recovered from BPD over 12 years ago now. I also had 2 parents with BPD. I was also in a relationship with someone with BPD (after I had recovered from BPD) - Both of these experiences put me squarely the shoes and experience of what it means to be the loved one of someone with BPD, before, during and after I had Borderline Personality Disorder.
I have been a Life coach online since 1995. That's a lot of experience! I also have been online writing articles, ebooks, authoring and speaking in both my audio programs and audio podcasts since then. I am an expert on BPD, from the inside out. I not only know how those with BPD feel and think from the inside out, but I also know, first hand, what it is like to be on the other side of BPD in the non borderline role. So, I also keenly understand the pain and confusion of the loved one, family member, ex or relationship partner of someone with BPD. I am able to explain, explore, and examine any and all aspects of BPD as it manifests generally and in relationships specifically with the clients I coach. I am an experienced strategizer, familiar with the patterns on both sides of this personality disorder as well as other Cluster B Personality Disorders. I can help you make a plan to cope more effectively than perhaps you are right now.
As a Counselor and a Life/Mental Health Coach A.J. Mahari has a dynamic, compassionate, creative, and supportive approach. Specifically in her work with those with Borderline Personality Disorder, A.J., as someone who has recovered from BPD, knows from her own first hand experience the obstacles that will present themselves as challenging growth opportunities in the process of change and recovery. Her experience on the other side of BPD and NPD have also given her incredible insight into how to help loved ones of those with any Cluster B personality disorder.
As a life coach I provide a caring, compassionate, safe, confidential, non judgemental, validating and supportive relationship within which clients can feel empowered to explore their present-day needs. I essentially act as a human mirror for my clients. I share with my clients an outside and unbiased perspective as to what I observe in listening to their feelings, experiences, and concerns.

If you would like to get more information about my life coaching sevices please visit my site at: ajmahari.ca and Use the contact form there to email me.