Borderline Personality Disorder - BPD Coach A.J. Mahari - Coaching for People with Borderline Personality Disorder

touchstone A.J. Mahari recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder in 1995 and has been online writing about that and educating people about Borderline Personality Disorders since late 1995 online. Mahari shares her vast experience with BPD with her clients. She knows what works and what doesn't work in recovery for those with BPD. Just as she also has vast personal first-hand knowledge of and experience with being a loved one, partner (then ex-partner) and family member of a few people in her life with BPD. Both of her parents had BPD. Her father died in 1997 and her mother, still alive today, in her '80's has BPD and has not sought treatment for it. A.J., years after her own recovery also had a relationship with a partner who has BPD/NPD. A.J. Mahari's expertise when it comes to all sides of BPD and her understanding of it, are unparalled. Mahari is very skilled at educating, explaining and motivating her clients to reach for what so many feel is the unreachable - healing, recovery, wellness, and living the life worth living that each person with BPD longs for and deserves.

touchstone A.J. Mahari has been coaching those diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and/or other various forms of mental illness, with a special focus on those with BPD and their loved ones since 1995. A.J. offers mental health support coaching that also includes using strategy to cope more effectively with the many challenges of different forms of mental illness.

Coaching for people with Borderline Personality Disorder with Life Coach and BPD Coach, A.J. Mahari is supportive and validating as well as educational process that you can available to you at reasonable rates via telephone or . BPD coaching is a supportive, caring, compassionate, vehicle for creating change, identifying goals, healing and recovery. Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder is very possible, very real, and A.J. Mahari knows this because she recovered from BPD in 1995. A.J. Mahari shares her roadmap for recovery developed from her very own recovery with clients with BPD who are motivated to take one small step at a time to get on the road to recovery and to stay on that road or who are on the road to recovery but need support, guidance, and education about feeling/being blocked or feeling/being stuck in the process on that road to recovery. life and relationship enhancement and for breaking self-defeating and/or unhealthy patterns that may be holding you back from all that you desire in your life.

Borderline Personality Disorder

As a BPD Coach I can help you to further help yourself to live your best life now. You don't have to wait years to achieve recovery to live your best life now. What does that mean? It means that you can learn how to find what you need now. You can learn how to cope with each and every moment effectively as you learn to build and strengthen emotional mastery.

My BPD Coaching can help you if you have Borderline Personality Disorder.

As a BPD Coach I offer support, validation, understanding, and proven techniques that help those with BPD. In realizing that many with BPD have challenges that mean they may not be able to work or may not have a lot of money I offer very affordable Rates. You can read more about my BPD coaching by clicking on the above links and/or by visiting my BPD Blog - Self Help Category.

A.J. Mahari is a Proven Expert on BPD

A.J. Mahari recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder 14 years ago. She has been online writing articles and sharing her insight and experience about her recovery for 14 years now as well. That's a proven track record, unlike any other person who has recovered from BPD working as a life coach.

When it comes to BPD, A.J. Mahari has the unique voice of someone who not only had BPD and recovered in 1995, but also of someone who was the adult-child of 2 borderline-narcissist alcoholic parents, and subsequent to her recovery from BPD had a relationship with someone with BPD/NPD in the early 2000's which she ended and took the time to really learn from how she was "love-bombed" baited, groomed and targeted by this person. Mahari not only knows, first hand, what it feels like and is like to have BPD, to explain that to family members and loved ones. Mahari also knows what it is like to be a family member, loved one, and relationship partner of someone with BPD. Mahari understands what that feels like too. Mahari knows what recovery, on each side of BPD means, is, looks and feels like, and requires. It is from her 360-degree unique experience with BPD on both sides, and her recovery on both sides of BPD, that Mahari's work generally, and her Life Coaching, even more specifically, that she can and does offer you a more in depth and insightful understanding and compassionate brand of practical help unlike any other life coach, coaching in this area.

Unlike other life coaches who bring experience either from coaching courses, or one side or the other of BPD, A.J. Mahari, with her rich life experience has found that the best coaching course she could have ever invested in turned out to be her own journey thus far in life.

To puchase a session or sessions with A.J. please visit: and Click on Life or BPD Coaching.

Whether you have BPD or you have a BPD family member or relationship partner (or ex) A.J. Mahari has walked in your shoes. She knows your pain. She understands how to unhook from the traps on the other side of BPD just as she knows what it takes to recover from BPD.

I have been described by many as an expert on Borderline Personality Disorder. What makes me an expert? Well, not University degrees, but real life experience. I am a person who recovered from BPD over 12 years ago now. I also had 2 parents with BPD/NPD. I was also in a relationship with someone with BPD/NPD (after I had recovered from BPD) - Both of these experiences put me squarely the shoes and experience of what it means to be the loved one of someone with BPD, before, during and after I had Borderline Personality Disorder.

I have been a life coach online since 1995. That's a lot of experience! I also have been online writing articles, ebooks, authoring and speaking in both my audio programs and audio podcasts since 1995 as well. I am an expert on BPD, from the inside out. I not only know how those with BPD feel and think from the inside out, but I also know, first hand, what it is like to be on the other side of BPD in the non borderline role. So, I also keenly understand the pain and confusion of the loved one, family member, ex or relationship partner of someone with BPD. I am able to explain, explore, and examine any and all aspects of BPD as it manifests generally and in relationships specifically with the clients I coach. I am an experienced strategizer. I can help you make a plan to cope more effectively than perhaps you are right now.

Borderline Personality Disorder presents many challenges in the lives of those diagnosed with it. There are many ways that Life Coaching can be of support to the journey of recovery. But the coaching relationship is not about the actual recovery it is about supporting the changes that the client with BPD is identifying and in the process of making from hard work in traditional therapy. Life coaching can support the process of present-day efforts to maintain new behaviour and learn to be more consistent with the changes that are goals that have come out of gaining insight and awareness and in therapy.

As a Counselor, and a Life Coach A.J. Mahari has a dynamic, compassionate, creative, and supportive approach. Specifically in her work with those with Borderline Personality Disorder, A.J., as someone who has recovered from BPD, knows from her own first hand experience the obstacles that will present themselves as challenging growth opportunities in the process of change and recovery. She had also had to recover from the wounds and pain of having had two borderline-narcissist and alcoholic parents. As the adult child of BPD/NPD A.J. has been a pioneer, first in her own life, healing and recovering from this but also in helping others who (among other types of relationships) are also the Adult Child of a Cluster B personality Disordered Parent or Parents - Check out A.J.'s newest site (2016) at

As a life coach I provide a caring, compassionate, safe, confidential, non judgemental, validating and supportive relationship within which clients can feel empowered to explore their present-day needs. I essentially act as a human mirror for my clients. I share with my clients an outside and unbiased perspective as to what I observe in listening to their feelings, experiences, and concerns.

A.J.'s Ebooks

A.J.'s Audio Programs

A.J. Mahari's Borderline Personality Disorder Audio Podcast & Interviews
A.J.'s BPD Videos

© 1995-2016-2010 Touchstone Life/BPD/Mental Health Coaching & A.J. Mahari - Last up-dated September 25, 2016