

By A.J. Mahari AVAILABLE NOW. Please click on the cover of the ebook you want to know more about and/or purchase and you will be directed to an information and sales page for that ebook.


I have written and made available here for free over 100 articles (available by clicking on a year in the left hand menu) on and about Borderline Personality Disorder, from my perspective as a person who has recovered from Borderline Personality Disorder - from the inside out.

I sincerly hope that you will find something helpful in what I have provided here.

I now have 4 ebooks for sale and I am in the process of writing more ebooks now.

I will still be making available a few articles per year free of charge so please keep checking back for them too. I will have one up in the month of April 2006.

To be able to read more detailed articles that I have written I will be charging very reasonable fees for the purchase of these in PDF format. Please keep checking back. These articles will be relevant to and of interest to those with BPD, newly diagnosed, recovering from BPD, close to or having recovered from BPD, as well as those who know/love someone with BPD and professionals as well. These articles will reflect my own personal experience and from the "inside out." They are written from the insight I've acquired in my journey of recovery from BPD.

Ms. A.J. Mahari, March 2, 2005 with an addition April 12, 2006

January 2006 Featured Article

Radical Acceptance: The Pathway to Freedom

By Ms. A.J. Mahari

 How I Stopped Self-Harming
 Declaration to Inner-Child (Children)
 BPD Mail Bag


All articles listed above, (including the BPD Mailbag) were written by and are © Ms. A.J. Mahari 1999-2006. All rights reserved. These articles cannot be re-produced, re-printed (in any form of media - including on line) (with the exception of printing for personal use only with credit attached) without the expressed written permission of A.J. Mahari. If you wish to include an article from this index on your web site please write to A.J. at bpdinsideout@cogeco.ca and when permission is granted please link back to the articles at this location as opposed to re-producing them on your web site, again, unless you obtain permission to do so.

Articles Submitted To This Site

   Submit an article: bpdinsideout@yahoo.ca Subject: Web Submission   

as of September 12, 2000

This page was created on September 12, 2000 on Soul's Self Help Central in an effort to make navigating AJ's BPD articles a bit easier - moved to this domain January 31, 2003 and is © Ms. A.J. Mahari 2000-2006.

Last up-dated on April 26, 2006